I’m Kinga de Wit

a Feng Shui consultant, healer, holistic therapist, and spiritual mentor.

Growing up, I had the privilege of being immersed in different customs and cultures (Polish, Chinese, Russian, Dutch, Aruban).

When I was a little girl, still living in Poland, where I was born, my mother worked for a company that traded with China. This was the time I first learned about Feng Shui. The basic principles stayed with me throughout my life.

It wasn’t until my mid 30’s that I started using Feng Shui in a more serious and conscious way. My husband and I had bought and renovated (well, basically, rebuilt) our first house and encountered one huge challenge after the other. From foundational problems, to floods. This house turned out to be a real money pit and a continuous source of stress.

We loved the house, though. And didn’t want to leave. I had already done some energetic work on it through the Akashic Records to intuitively cleanse it. I was working on myself, trying to understand the underlying lesson of what was happening. I started working with crystals and essential oils. This all helped, but just a little.

And then I thought of Feng Shui.

I really wanted to turn things around and was committed to doing it “right”. So I started a course and began rearranging furniture, decluttering the space, and playing around with energy.

I felt an instant relief. Things started to shift in a positive direction. But the one thing that remained was money problems.

I consulted a professional Feng Shui expert. She immediately pointed out, that the wealth corner of our house was missing. MISSING. I can’t emphasize that enough. I had a huge lightbulb moment and the money flow issues suddenly made sence. I immediately acitvated that corner (which actually was in our backyard) and our financial situation started to improve…

Eventually, from doing all the internal and interior energy work, I decided that my familiy and I deserved something better and we sold this house. It was no longer aligned with us and our needs (!). We had learned our lessons. The spiritual/home energy journey I had embarked on played a huge role in my personal development and I started advising family and friends on the use of the priciples I had used.

I think you’ll agree with me when I say that our surrounding have a huge impact on our well-being. It’s hard to feel happy and be healthy in a stressful environment. But did you know, that there are subtle energies at play as well that significally determine how you feel, how harmonious your relationships are, how succesful you become? Did you know that by clearing your space energetically and aligning it with your most optimal energies, your home or office can help transform your life? They can supports your desires and manifestations, help keep the energy clear and harmonious. And money coming in. Or they can form an obstacle…

After rediscovering Feng Shui and rekindling my passion for it I decided to add it as a service next to my energetic house cleansing offerings.

I immersed myself in Feng Shui teachings and took a course with Marie Diamond (one of the world’s top transformational leaders, speakers, bestselling authors and a renowned voice on the Law Of Attraction and Feng Shui).

And now, optimizing the flow of energy of the environment is one of the pillars of my coaching business (Wellness in Mind). It supports the tranformations of my clients. But it’s so profound that it can be used as a stand-alone practice. Hence this website 😊

So hi, my name is Kinga. I’m the founder of Home Flow Design. And I would love to be your guide and help you shift your energy, feel better, and attract what you want much easier and faster.

About Home Flow

Home Flow is all about optimizing the energy in your home and/or office.

If you’re looking to learn how to harness your home’s unique energy and use it to support your business, family, health, and love life…. Home Flow is the way to go!

It’s hard to unwind and replenish, and become prosperous in an environment that stresses you out.

Relationship problems, disharmony,  financial troubles, not sleeping well… They all need to be addressed on an emotional, behavioral and psychological level. But most people don’t realize how much all areas of life are also influenced by their surroundings. As Marie Diamond states: one third of your manifesting powers lies in your environment!

Home Flow Design
is all about providing you with the knowledge and tools to harness the nurturing and supportive powers of your home and office. And get to the next level in life, well-being, and business!

The benefits of optimal energy and Flow

Some of the wonders of a nurturing, supportive Home. You can read more about the benefits of Feng Shui here.

1. Better Sleep and Rest

Feng Shui can improve the quality of your sleep by arranging your bedroom in a way that promotes relaxation and a peaceful atmosphere, leading to better rest and rejuvenation.

2. Enhanced Well-Being

Feng Shui promotes a balanced and harmonious environment, which can lead to improved physical, emotional, and mental well-being. By optimizing the flow of energy (chi) in your space, you can experience a greater sense of peace and tranquility, reduced stress, and increased vitality.

3. Increased Abundance and Prosperity

Harmonious energy flow can foster better communication and understanding among family members or colleagues. It can also support the creation and strengthening of meaningful relationships, both romantic and platonic.

4. Improved Relationships
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5. Heightened Creativity and Productivity

A well-balanced environment can stimulate creativity and enhance productivity. By organizing your space according to Feng Shui principles, you can create an atmosphere that boosts focus and efficiency.

our team

At the moment it’s just me, Kinga. But I would love to add skillfull, passionate, experienced Feng Shui masters to my team.

I’m also looking for a Feng Shui teacher that would love to train my students. This can be both online and offline (region of Murcia, Spain) as well as through a pre recorded course.

Please feel free to reach out!

Kinga Martincsek-de Wit

Kinga Martincsek-de Wit

Founder, Feng Shui consultant, Transformational Coach & Healer

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